Let’s Talk About Hope

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight! At whatever time you sit down to read this, know that I greet you! It’s been ages since I’ve sat down to write a blog, but I finally feel encouraged to write again. After what’s been going on with me in the past few months, I felt it fitting to start this new blog off talking about HOPE.

In the times we live in now with a whole world off balance, sometimes hope seems hard to come by because so many forces try to snuff the light out of our souls daily. Now, I must let you know that I’m not approaching this post as a person that doesn’t struggle with keeping hope alive. Lately, I’ve been having trouble doing that, so know that this post will help the both of us not lose sight of hope, okay?

For some of us, life is trying to steal our hope by making our bills late with no relief in sight. For others, life is trying to steal our hope by putting us in a place of isolation from others. There are even some of us who it seems like everything is going wrong at the same time. No matter the circumstance you find yourself in, let’s take a moment to encourage each other.

Although life has been “lifing,” and relief seems to be out of reach, let me remind you that life is not over. That said, you are not yet at the end of your journey. Sometimes, the hardest fights produce the strongest victories, so stay strong. If it is your dream that you are losing hope in actually seeing to fruition, maybe it’s time to just change the course of action to see your dream through. That doesn’t mean giving up, it simply means attacking it from a different angle. After all, just because it hasn’t worked yet doesn’t mean that it is destined to fail — it may just be time to reinvent the vision.

Like me at one point, there may be some of you that have shattered your dream on the ground like a glass mirror because you were so frustrated that what you saw hasn’t come to pass yet. If nobody ever tells you, broken things can be restored. The dreams that you felt would never come to pass can indeed be restored, you just have to believe.

Since this is my first blog back, I didn’t want it to be a super long one, I just wanted to encourage everyone that will read this post as I encourage myself. If you can only remember one thing from this post, let it be this: a delay will never equal a denial.

God bless,

Kels ❤


Bruised, But Not Beaten